We have a very high demand for quality and craft and we always check the Women’s vintage leather shoulder bag before we ship to make our customers satisfaction.If you have any problem with the leather shoulder bag,just let me know,we will try our best to solve it for you. As the leather shoulder bag in the transport process will inevitably have some squeeze,but please rest assured that the leather shoulder bag is absolutely no problem,when you put somethings inside the bag into the soon returned to the original look. High quality leather is very elegant to use.
BARENHE brand was founded in 2005, is China’s fashion leather industry pioneering products,after 10 years of development, now has Hong Kong and South Korea’s outstanding designers, The world has advanced computer automation equipment, the international standardization of industrial parks,fashionable products,fabrics exquisite, exquisite workmanship Has been the most preferential prices to customers the best products! We in good faith a development, quality of survival, so that the company went to today.
BARENHE Since its inception, abide by the “classic heritage with the fashion, so that the brand inspires life,”the corporate mission, based on the profound Chinese traditional culture to actively explore the same time, the Western fashion elements into their own design ideas, and is committed to promoting The Combination of Chinese Traditional Culture and Modern Fashion Creative Industry.BARENHE not only provides people with a wealth of products,but also provides a cultural spirit and lifestyle.
MATERIAL:Leather crossbody shoulder bag with high-quality matte leather and the first layer of leather,crossbody shoulder bag leather durable and dirt easy to clean and no smell,leather crossbody shoulder bag with high quality bronze hardware accessories, durable and difficult to fade.
HAS ENOUGH CAPACITY:Classic Leather crossbody shoulder bag can accommodate some of the necessities of life, such as mobile phones, rechargeable treasure, data lines, coins coins,simple cosmetics, which are all can be placed inside the crossbody shoulder bag.
EXQUISITE DESIGN :Women’s vintage leather crossbody shoulder bag with classic and elegant design,leather crossbody shoulder bag designed a relatively long shoulder strap can be adjusted, it can be Messenger bag, when you fold the shoulder strap when it can be a short leather shoulder strap, can be a shoulder package. Can also be used as a handbag。The perfect design makes the shoulder bag very elegant.
APPLICATIONS:You can put your Leather crossbody shoulder bag and daily dress collocation, perfect for Using in Office, School, Dating, Travel or any Other Daily Occasions.
FOCUS ON CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE:We have a very high demand for the quality and craftsmanship of Leather crossbody shoulder bag, and we always check Leather crossbody shoulder bag before shipment to make our customers happy. If you have any questions about the crossbody shoulder bag, just tell us that we will do our best to solve.